Meet the Entangled Poets

Buy the book: Entangled: a collaboration across time and space

by debora Ewing

Entangled: a collaboration across time and space was released in 2023 by Igneus Press. Social media connected poets who loved to interrogate science with real-life observation. And then the worst science of all happened: global pandemic. An idea born of distance coalesced across the globe and came to life in this poetry anthology.

This collection is grouped loosely into themes: Mind, Matter, Space, Computation, Entanglement. The poets have responded with words reflecting their interest in science as a definition for being alive.

Who are these magical people? They are polymaths. They are scientists, researchers, musicians, artists, writers of science fiction, creative lit, & poetry. They are mothers, fathers, lovers, humans. Let us introduce you:

several heads photoshopped into one picture

Melinda A. Smith is unstoppable. From sound collaborations with debora Ewing, Lisa Alletson, Vikki C, and the rest of the Entangled poets, she went on to write SUM, a novella which was longlisted for the BSFA in 2023. Between Tae Kwan Do lessons with her kids and family poetry workshops, she wrote a full-length novel, tentatively titled These Nameless Stars.

From Tony: I’m laboring under a lifelong hip problem so have been working on a volume of poems on resilience and rising from our falls. It’s almost done but I tinker with it occasionally. I’m also back-burning a book on how to be wrong, gracefully, and a novel about whether machines can have consciousness.

From the editor: Tony Cartledge is curator of Fantastical Fiction, an exploration and review of existential Sci-Fi, Metaphysical Spec-Fic and Magical Realism.

several heads photoshopped into one picture
several heads photoshopped into one picture

Sonia Saner says: I’m currently drafting my first novel while continuing to write multi-genre poetry. Lately, I’ve taken on editing manuscripts from various writers. This collaborative process inspires me to explore writing longer works in different genres. When I need a break or some fresh inspiration, I love getting involved in tree-planting projects on deforested land. My love for writing and nature has always been deeply connected, and I’m lucky to have an extensive collection of notebooks and a nature reserve right outside my door.

Leslie Almberg is based in Australia. She spends her time emerging herself in the world of research data management and wrangling small beasties.

Black and white photo of a person wearing glasses, looking at the camera. They are wearing a jacket and a necklace with a pendant.
Jerry Jazz Musician logo Entangled book cover two hands almost touching

debora Ewing is stirring the pot. All the pots, any she can get her fingers into. She’s a board member for FolkWorks, an online repository for cultural history. Amongst the music community she’s known as an artist, poet, and lyricist, collaborating with Vikki C.Mike Berman and Gates & Goodell, among others. deb loves book design here at Igneus Press, and we love her for it.

Born in Omaha, Nebraska, Bradley Nordell works as a physicist for a space solar cell company. He is an editor of Consilience peer-reviewed science-based poetry journal, a nature photographer, and a TEDx Speaker. His fiction and poetry infuse science and humanities, acting as breadcrumbs for tomorrow. His debut poetry book, No Eulogy for Earth, will be out in early 2025 through Atmosphere Press.

A person with a beard gives a thumbs-up, lying down, in a black and white photo.
several heads photoshopped into one picture

Jocelyn Bosley (she/they) is Research Impact Coordinator at University of Nebraska. She’s been busy organizing SciComm, a virtual and in-person conference dedicated to effective communication of science to diverse audiences across all venues.

Lisa Alletson is an award-winning poet who sometimes masquerades as a Tamboti tree beside a lake in Canada.  Her poetry chapbook, Good Mother Lizard, won the Headlight Review chapbook contest (2022). 

A person with long hair sits by the water, looking to the side, in a black and white photograph.

Vikki C. is a British-born poet, writer and musician from London whose literary works are informed by ecology, science, existentialism and the human condition.

When it comes to science and poetry, the two marry in the magic of everyday life. Vikki cannot contemplate the earliest stars without pondering the light years of loss since the inception of the universe.

Vikki C.’s second book of poetry Where Sands Run Finest (DarkWinter Press) was published in Spring 2024.

Sionann is currently praying
in her greenhouse
in a forest
on top of a mountain.
Peace for Palestine.

Person holding a tarot card with "The Star" illustration over their eye, in black and white.

Get your copy of Entangled: a collaboration across time and space HERE.

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