by deb Ewing
Here’s how it happened, in more-or-less chronological order:

I met Steve & Kristi Nebel online at the FAR-West Campfire * virtual song circles. I fell in love with Kristi’s voice. I also fell in love with the entire community, and ended up at the FAR-West 2023 conference in person as emcee for Susanne Millsaps Memorial Coffeehouse. At some point, Steve Nebel materialized with his poetry chapbook in hand, aimed in my general direction. I had to reciprocate. A month or so later, Steve asked me if I’d like to interview for Sound Poetry**.
I am vain. Of course I would. Here’s the interview, which I will post before I have a chance to decide I said something I regret. Not that I would.
Sound Poetry – Deb Ewing Part 1
*Campfires are held on Zoom every 2nd & 4th Tuesday. You can sing, or you can play, or you can listen. Register and come over!
**Radio Tacoma 101.9 FM is home to Sound Poetry. There is so much good here. Check it out!
***You can own a piece of me if you pick up a copy of Entangled: a collaboration across time and space, here at Igneus Press! My little book mycelium. xPoetry is available through laundry room press at Amazon.