EKPHRAZZ, Ekphrastic Writing by Jack Foley with Collages by Mark Fisher
West Coast poet Jack Foley (1940- ) has published 20 books of poetry, 5 books of criticism, a book of stories, and a two-volume, 1300-page “chronoencyclopedia,” Visions & Affiliations: California Poetry 1940-2005. He became well known through his multi-voiced performances with his late wife, Adelle. He currently performs with his new life partner, Sangye Land. Since 1988, he has presented poetry on Berkeley, CA radio station KPFA.
He has received Lifetime Achievement Awards from Marquis Who’s Who and the Berkeley Poetry Festival as well as the K.M. Anthru Award from the Indian publication, Litterateur RW.
June 5, 2010 was declared “Jack Foley Day” in Berkeley. His most recent books include the companion volumes The Light of Evening, a brief autobiography, and “A Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads,” a psychobiography of the poet’s mind; Bridget and Other Poems, a selection of Jack’s work edited and translated by German poet, Andreas Weiland; and Collisions, a volume of new poems.
Mark Fisher is an underground poet, visual artist and member of the International Novatrix Infinitesimal (commonlyreferred to as INI, an avant-garde movement based in Italy which rejects labels, categorization, definition and cultural lineage.) His work has been featured in various publications over the years. Married to Maryclaire Wellinger, painter and poet. Studied painting and drawing at the San Francisco Academy of Art.
A tax professional now retired, Mark was employed by multinational High Tech Public Corporations and CPA firms overthe course of thirty years. He is also the Former Treasurer and Events Organizer for Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! Co-founder of The Invisibles (when a poem appears, the poet disappears.) Former roadie for the late John Sinclair, Poet, Activist and Blues Scholar. Last known occupation: Uber Driver.
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