The book cover titled "Jade Mountain Poems" by Andreas Weiland depicts boats on a lake set against a mountainous backdrop. The text includes "Jade Berg Gedichte" along with "gedichte | poems," with poems presented in both English and German.

Jade Mountain Poems, poems by Andreas Weiland (in English and German)



Andreas Weiland, also known as Andre Jadis and Wei Lan-de, was born in Europe in the mid-1940s. He has been writing poems since 1961 and published poetry since 1966. After studying literature, philosophy and sociology, he taught 20th Century German Literature as well as “essay writing” (in English and German) at Tamkang, a liberal arts college in 淡水 Tamsui.

His most recent poetry books are The Blackness of Black: Poems in Memory of Nan Hoover (Stonybrook Editions)


Poems in this bilingual edition were originally written in English (largely in the 1970s) with a recent translation to German.


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